Showing posts by category: RF Filters & Components (2)

Military service members depend on a growing number of electronic functions, including communications, electronic warfare (EW), and radar. Defense OEMs face increasingly complex challenges in supplying solutions for these electronic functions due to an ever-increasing demand for size, weight,...


Manufacturing Defense Miniaturization RF Filters & Components Microelectronics Design & Engineering

Developing technology for space is challenging. Developing technology for interplanetary space requires truly stratospheric skills. Here at Benchmark Lark Technology, we don't shy away from a challenge, and nothing flexes our technical muscles more than partnering with the NASA-Jet Propulsion...


Manufacturing RF/Microwave & mmWave RF Filters & Components

Designing and manufacturing RF filters is a complex process. There are thousands of variations of the component based on the customer's needs, the purpose of the system, and the environment in which it will be performing. It takes a team of engineers with deep experience in various applications to...


Manufacturing RF/Microwave & mmWave Aerospace RF Filters & Components

Benchmark's Kevin Walker sat down with Circuits Assembly Magazine Editor Mike Buetow for an episode of PCB Chat to discuss the value prop of our new state-of-the-art advanced electronics manufacturing facility in Phoenix. 

Listen to the complete podcast here.


Defense RF/Microwave & mmWave Aerospace RF Filters & Components About Benchmark Communications Computing News

Applications relying on RF systems—everything from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to radar systems—have evolved towards lighter, high-performance designs but are frequently constrained by lump-element RF components. Benchmark's new filter product lines were designed to give RF engineers new...


Defense RF/Microwave & mmWave Miniaturization Aerospace RF Filters & Components Communications UAV

Optimizing size, weight, and power (SWaP) is the latest technology in electronics manufacturing. Be it medical, aerospace and defense, communications, or the consumer market, the need of the hour is a miniaturized product without any compromise of computing capability and efficiency.


Manufacturing Miniaturization RF Filters & Components

Space captures the imagination, offering new frontiers to explore and endless technological challenges to overcome. Electronics that operate in space are often cutting-edge but also need to be tough; they contend with radiation, extreme temperatures and the stress of moving from the ground...


RF/Microwave & mmWave Aerospace RF Filters & Components About Benchmark Communications

"Listening to the speakers at the recentSEMI Arizona Breakfast Forumexpound on the virtues ofa connected world enabled by 5Gmade me think that in the future, everything will be possible. Perhaps Scott Hicar, CIO of Benchmark Electronics, the company hosting the event, said it best:"


RF Filters & Components About Benchmark Communications Wireless Infrastructure Broadband Infrastructure News

5G networks are not new networks; they are add-ons of new advanced technologies to the current 4G LTE-A (Gigabit LTE) networks. For companies contemplating the impact 5G might have on their business, understanding exactly what 5G is (and what it isn’t) is essential. In this video blog, Benchmark's...


RF/Microwave & mmWave RF Filters & Components Communications Computing

5G is the next phase in the evolution of global communication networks. When the technology is fully realized and implemented on a massive scale, we’ll see a world connected like never before. 


Medical Defense RF/Microwave & mmWave Aerospace RF Filters & Components Industrial Communications

Advances in Technology for Millimeter Wave Antennas

With the advancement of modern manufacturing and fabrication technology, millimeter wave (mmWave) processes are becoming more commercially viable. Millimeter wave antenna arrays are emerging as a promising candidate for 5G systems. In addition,...


RF/Microwave & mmWave RF Filters & Components Communications

It seems like everyone these days is talking about 5G, and rightly so; 5G will deliver increased bandwidth and reduced latency to mobile and fixed communications that will not only improve the delivery of existing services, but open up entirely new use cases. In the public conversation, 5G is...


RF Filters & Components Connected Devices Communications